When you have a car or vehicle and you have a good insurance company, all will be well as long as you pay your monthly premium and you don’t make claims. In the case, the car insurance claims process is very difficult for numerous car insurance holders in this articles you will understand the following…
car insurance claim process south africa
how long does it take for insurers to pay out a claim?
How long does it take for insurers to pay out a claim?Does The Process Of a Car Insurance Claim Take Long Period? If you provide your insurance company with the right information, the claim process should be done quickly. Any insurance company that cares about its reputation, will not hesitate to the claim professionally and…
repair cost more than car value insurance, Why?
How come repair cost more than car value insurance? The Estimate Cost Of Repairs Is Less Than The Actual Check Payment, Why? The cost of repair is usually less than the paycheck because car insurance policyholder must at least pay out of pocket for deduction after this is done the balance will be given a…
car insurance check instead of repair
Car insurance check instead of repair? Why Should The Auto Lien Holder Be Placed On Insurance Payment Check? This is because an insurance holder has an insurable concern in the repair work done on the car. Many states have made this a requirement. The policyholder must be in touch with the lien before the fund…