Compare security insurance quotes in South Africa When coming to security company in South Africa, we the citizens community rely heavily on police and security (armed response, personal security guards) when there is a threat in our homes or our neighborhood, With that being said security companies in south Africa also need insurance protection. This…
Security company insurance in South Africa
Buying vehicle insurance
Buying vehicle insurance In South Africa Buying vehicle insurance is a taboo, but why? How easy is it buying vehicle insurance in South Africa had about 11 million registered cars in 2020, but only 30-40% of the 11 million vehicles had car insurance. These statistics is a clear indication that most South African car owners don’t…
Civil engineering insurance
Online Civil engineering insurance policies South Africa The civil engineering profession in South Africa happens to be one of the professions with high risk find quotes for civil engineering insurance online. It takes a high risk to construct bridges, roads, dams and all other civil engineering jobs. This profession is wide and also involves sub-…
SA Electrical Engineering Insurance Quotes
Electrical Engineering Insurance In South Africa, electrical engineers have high risks in their various aspect of the job, find few quotes for electrical engineering insurance online. The ingenious innovators who harness the power of lightning face risks from their brilliant work with the energetic electron. Though adept at calculating currents and commanding circuits, even the…